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Servicing Fleet Vehicles in Fort Gratiot, MI

Here at Uncle Al’s Quick Lube & Wash in Fort Gratiot, MI, we accept all fleet accounts! Fleet vehicles are groups of motor vehicles owned or leased by a business or organization, instead of by an individual or a family. For example, a taxi cab company or a police department has a fleet of vehicles. If you have a fleet that needs to be serviced and cleaned regularly, we are here to help. We offer the best and quickest services when it comes to getting your company cars back on the road, doing what they do best—providing service to your customers.

Keep Your Business Running Smoothly

Many businesses would fall apart overnight without their vehicles. If you want the peace of mind that your vehicles are always there for you when you need them, you need our fleet services. Through our preventive maintenance programs, we maximize the amount of time that your company vehicles are able to stay on the road. We catch any issues as early as possible and put them right before they have a chance to take your cars off the road. Don’t take any risks when it comes to your profits and your productivity. Hire Uncle Al’s Quick Lube & Wash for all of your fleet service needs!

Represent Your Business Well

Your vehicles represent your business and may often be the first place that your potential customers encounter your brand. If your vehicles are a broken down, unclean mess, then you are projecting that image of your company to the general public. Our fleet services will have your vehicles looking immaculate and running smoothly. A clean, smoothly running vehicle provides the perfect advertisement for your company and your services. If you want to inspire confidence in your brand, let us help you!

Competitive Rates

We pride ourselves on providing quality fleet services at reasonable and competitive rates. If you are looking for fleet service for your business, give us a call and we can discuss our prices. We are confident you will be happy with our affordable services.

Not only you, but your employees will be happy with our work, as they will be able to enjoy company vehicles that handle perfectly and don’t break down. In the event that one of your company vehicles does break down, getting it back on the road is our top priority. Call today and we will help you keep your company vehicles on the road and running smoothly. Don’t gamble on your essential infrastructure—get peace of mind and quality service with Uncle Al’s Quick Lube & Wash.

Bring Your Car to Our One-Stop Shop!