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Quick Car Service in Fort Gratiot, MI

When you’re looking for quick car service in Fort Gratiot, Uncle Al’s Quick Lube & Wash is the place to go. Just as our name indicates, we can have you in and out of our auto shop in a short amount of time so you won’t face disruption to your busy schedule. In fact, our oil and filter change only takes 10 minutes and you can even enjoy a cool beverage while you wait! We handle your vehicles with care, using only high-quality oil from brands like Valvoline and other top name brands. We provide a free car wash with every professional service we do, so your vehicle will run and look its best for years to come. When you turn to Uncle Al’s Quick Lube & Wash, you won’t get just excellent customer service—you’ll get the best car education as well!

Certified Master Mechanic

Your car is your lifeline, so you shouldn’t trust just anyone to perform maintenance or repairs on it. Here at Uncle Al’s Quick Lube & Wash, we have a certified master mechanic on duty, which means your vehicle is in good hands. With our skilled eyes and knowledge, any problems with your car will be found, big or small. By performing early maintenance and repairs, we save you time and money in the future, where small problems can quickly become large and costly ones. All of our work is done to the vehicle manufacturer’s specifications.

High-Quality Oil

We’ve built a reputation for ourselves here in Fort Gratiot by never compromising on our high-quality service. In addition to exceptional customer service, we also only stock the best oil and products. In fact, we never compromise on your vehicle’s longevity by using cheap, recycled oil and low-quality filters that won’t protect your engine from excessive wear and tear. By using high-quality products such as Valvoline and other name brands, we keep your vehicle running like the well-oiled machine it is. That way, you avoid expensive repairs in the long run. We make an investment into the future of your vehicle by only using the best products and oil we can get our hands on. This is what separates Uncle Al’s Quick Lube & Wash apart from the rest of the auto shops in the area.

Bring Your Car to Our One-Stop Shop!