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All-Around Car Services in Fort Gratiot, MI

Here at Uncle Al’s Quick Lube & Wash, we are your one-stop shop for all-around car services. If you need help with your vehicle, whether it is cleaning, repairs, or maintenance, we’ve got you covered. The secret to our success has always been to provide efficient and high-quality service for reasonable prices with exceptional customer service at all times.

Preventative Maintenance

The trick to never needing to pay for costly repairs is to regularly have preventive maintenance done on your vehicle. As part of our all-around car services, we can assess your car and identify any potential issues that could cause you problems in the future. We will set these issues right before they’re any trouble. The great thing about preventive maintenance is that you are in control. If your car breaks down and you need repairs, it is often at the worst possible moments! With preventive maintenance, you choose when to have your vehicle inspected.


Your car is probably a key aspect of your everyday life. Without your car, your daily routine quickly gets disrupted. If your car breaks down, you want repairs that not only get you back on the road as fast as possible, but also repairs that last. You don’t want to have to take your car back into the shop over and over again to address the same issue. Here at Uncle Al’s Quick Lube & Wash, you can rely on our highly trained technicians to do perfect repairs every time! We never use recycled or low-quality oil for your car, either.


Do you want your car to look perfect, inside and out? Then you need our detailing service. Our detailing service involves giving your vehicle a thorough and deep clean. If you want your car looking like it just came off the factory floor, then this is the service for you! We offer both an interior and an exterior detailing service. If you want your vehicle to look at its absolute best, bring it in for thorough detailing by our crew.

Car Wash

Our car wash service is inexpensive and an effective way of making your car presentable. We pride ourselves on the efficiency of our car wash—we will always get you on your way as soon as possible. Not only do we offer very reasonable prices on our car wash service, but you can also use our coupon book to get two free washes after you have already purchased five. Restore the shine to your vehicle with our car wash service!

Fleet Services

Are you a business owner? Does your business make good use of company vehicles? It’s important that your company cars are reliable and look presentable to your clients at all times. We can help with our fleet services! We will keep all of your company vehicles in top condition, with services ranging from preventative maintenance to detailing. If you are interested, give us a call and we can discuss your needs.

Bring Your Car to Our One-Stop Shop!